We’re different to many law firms
We specialise in trade marks and copyright law and nothing else. This means we can stay at the top of our game and be the experts you need.
We have free templates, guides and checklists as we’d rather you had some help to get your awesome ideas off the ground than nothing.
We also have to help you do the legwork with support from us - like our new BrandBooster™ package that helps you with a brand strategy and registration of your trade mark(s).
How we help you will depend on where you are in your business journey and your needs - are you at the start, growing & sorting out your business, or growing at a mad rate and need help?
Starting out?
First of all - congratulations! What an amazing & brave thing you are doing launching your new idea into the world.
Are you getting lost in all the things you “should” be doing when starting up? That list should definitely include choosing a great brand and making sure nobody else is using it, or can use it in the future.
Our DIY tools can’t replace legal advice as its unlikely any template could suit every situation. But they’re are a great start if you don’t have the budget for our other packages and services.
Check out our Resources page for our free tools and templates, which include:
BrandMaker™ worksheet - to help you come up with that great name for your new product or service;
Confidentiality Agreement template - essential for any time that you want to tell others about your clever ideas;
Website T&Cs and Privacy Policy templates - both essential elements for your website; and
Deed of Assignment - to make sure you’re the owner of your ideas and brands, not the people who have been involved along the way.
Sorting out?
Woohooh go you good thing! What an achievement to be still going strong - so many people give up after a short time as we both know what an effort it can be to get your ideas off the ground.
One of the things that you may have been meaning to do for ages is sort out the protection for your ideas and/or brand name.
Its time to stop putting it off and get this sorted, as we’d much rather be helping you with protecting your clever ideas, than having to go through litigation (on that note, we don’t do litigation if we can possibly avoid it, and would like you to do the same!).
Check out our Services page for “done WITH you” tools and services, including our:
BrandBooster™ package - where you do the legwork & we check your work to help you with a strategy for protection & future expansion of your trade mark;
Confidentiality Agreement tool - an automated tool that helps you build your own agreement to protect your secrets;
Website T&Cs and Privacy Policy tools - automated tools to help you build your own policies; and
Deed of Assignment - an automated tool to help you create your own bespoke document to ensure you own your IP (coming soon)
Stressing out?
How amazing are you?! If your business is growing rapidly, its more important than ever to sort out your trade marks and copyright.
How much would it cost you to rebrand? Or to have to enter litigation against someone who pinched your ideas and/or name?
Why not outsource protection of your intellectual property to the experts - trade marks & copyright is all we do and we can help you too.
Check out our Services page for “done FOR you” services, including our:
BrandMaster™ package - where you do the legwork & we check your work to help you with a strategy for protection & future expansion of your trade mark;
TM Health Check services - we’ll ensure that nobody else is using the same or similar mark already & that the mark is registrable;
TM Strategy services - we’ll develop a strategy for protection & future expansion of your brand;
IP Bootcamp training - one on one training to help you and/or you team understand IP and how best to turn your ideas into revenue; and
Bespoke Solutions - if your needs don’t fit the norm, we can work with you to provide cusomised solutions.