

aRc’s BrandMaster™ package lets you sit back while we ensure that you are the only one who can use your brands.

NZ$1,575 (+ GST and government fees) - New Zealand or Australia only

The package includes:

  • TM Health Check - a check to see whether or not your trade mark is available to use and register;

  • TM Strategy & TM Application - subject to the results of the TM Health Check, recommendations re the trade mark(s) to protect and the descriptions of your goods and services; and

  • Examination - IPONZ Acceptance or IPONZ Objection- reporting the results of IPONZ’s examination and advising re next steps or confirming acceptance.

Charges will be invoiced in three instaments: $750 + GST after the TM Health Check; $525 + GST and the government fees for the TM Strategy & TM Application; and $300 + GST to report the acceptance or objection from IPONZ. If any additional costs are required after examination by IPONZ these will be agreed with you first.

An overview of the whole trade mark process in New Zealand is below (the process is similar in Australia although the timeline is slightly different). More information about the government fees can be found here.
