If our FAQs aren’t helping and you’re not ready to book in that call…
One of the blogs below may answer those burning questions (and help answer some more questions you didn’t even know you had…)
How to: choose an awesome trade mark
Rachel Triplow gives her top tips for choosing a name for your goods or services that will stand out from the crowd and nobody else can use.
How to: identify your intellectual property
The term “intellectual property” (aka “IP”) is commonly misunderstood – this simple guide should help you work out the different forms of IP you may have in your business.
How to: stop people pinching your stuff
When you have nice things there are some people out there who would rather steal from others than put in the hard yards – here are some tips for avoiding people pinching your awesome ideas.
How to: prevent your brand becoming generic
If you let others use your brands they can become generic. This is what happened to marks such as “Aspirin” and “Trampoline”. Follow these simple rules to avoid a similar fate for your brands.