Five Tips for filing your own TM application
We’ve been seeing (and receiving) so many questions about trade marks lately, and one of the most common ones is whether you can file an application for registration yourself.
Of course you can!
Like anything though, there are some tricks to getting it right and over the last 20 years we’ve seen the full range of what happens if you don’t (or think you’ve got it right only to find out too late that you haven’t got the protection you thought you were paying for).
So we put together this video with some top tips.
Or you’d like a hand, check out our BrandBooster package which will guide you through the process from:
checking your TM is available to use and register (even if you get a registration, if someone was using it first you won’t be able to stop them);
deciding what TM and goods / services to file (if you file too narrowly or in the wrong “class” your registration may be worthless); and
through to filing the application for registration.
Our flat fee is $575 + GST and the IPONZ fees start at $50 + GST per class of goods / services.
And if you’re still not sure why not jump on a free 15 minute call with us - the booking link is at the top of this page (and below too, just to be helpful).